American Family Association Action (AFA Action), is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to advancing biblical, family values in society and government by educating and influencing public policy. AFA Action is also the Governmental Affairs Affiliate of American Family Association (AFA).

Official Media Response

How will AI impact the presidential elections? iVoterGuide counters online deepfakes with carefully researched facts

Tuesday, August 29, 2023 3:55 AM

TUPELO, Miss. — Artificial intelligence (AI) has overtaken American society. From healthcare to politics to even education, AI has infiltrated nearly every home in the nation. As citizens anxiously look forward to the upcoming 2024 presidential election, many wonder how AI will impact voting.


“Will artificial intelligence influence the upcoming presidential election? That’s a question many are asking these days, and it is a real concern,” said iVoterGuide ( President Debbie Wuthnow.


iVoterGuide ( is the nation’s premier Christian voting guide, equipping millions of Christians across the nation with powerful resources to help them be informed on the candidates.


“This concern about AI doesn’t only apply to the presidential election. Consider an incident earlier this year: right before the Chicago mayoral election in February, a Twitter account posing as a news site posted an audio interview of one of the candidates making an inflammatory statement designed to make him look bad. The audio, however, was fake. The candidate never made the statement, but thousands listened to the recording.


“With the help of AI, these kinds of tricks are easier to pull off. Here are a few ways your vote could be influenced:


  • Fake quotes or videos — Like the incident above, you may come across an image, video, or recording of a candidate doing or saying something he or she never did.
  • Spreading deceptive information — AI can be used to create social media bots and spread false information on candidates or make them appear to have more public support than they actually do.
  • Micro-targeting — Campaigns can use AI algorithms to more easily identify issues that resonate with you and craft messages that appeal to your values. This is not bad… unless the candidate doesn’t actually believe in those messages. The trouble is, how do you know what a candidate truly believes?”


iVoterGuide is data-driven and backed by documented resources readily available to candidates and voters alike. Since its inception, iVoterGuide has analyzed over 102 million donation records, more than 6,500 endorsing organizations, and 708 legislative score cards across all 50 states.


Wuthnow said, “Even in the face of confusing and potentially deceptive AI, we must stand firm for our biblical values because they win. The most encouraging lesson we learned from the 2022 midterms is that unabashedly pro-life, pro-family, pro-faith candidates can win. We saw it happen in one race after another. On the other hand, candidates who were not strong on these issues, who compromised or played both sides… lost. This truth must be broadcast loud and clear to every candidate running for office over the next two years. Standing for life, for liberty, and for family values is a winning message, despite what the media says.


 “Voters will reward candidates who stick to their principles, and that’s a blueprint for conservatives to chalk up big wins next year. But voters can only reward candidates with a backbone if they know what those candidates truly believe. That’s why the team at iVoterGuide is more determined than ever to continue to be true witnesses in the face of growing AI falsehood by publishing accurate, up-to-date information that provides transparency on thousands of candidates nationwide. American voters must remain educated and informed about candidate positions on critical issues threatening our country. Only then can freedoms and rights be protected.”


For voters who are unsure of who to vote for, provides accurate, up-to-date information on thousands of candidates. Because differences between candidates aren’t as readily apparent in the primary as in the General Election,’s research and ratings can be extremely valuable in helping voters determine the distinctions between candidates who all run under the same party banner. is dedicated to equipping Americans to be informed, educated voters and is a one-stop resource for candidate ratings and election information. is known for its accuracy and integrity in researching and evaluating candidates and equipping Christians to vote wisely and be good stewards of their citizenship.


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To interview an spokesperson, contact [email protected], Jeff Tolson, 610.584.1096, ext. 108, or Deborah Hamilton, ext. 102.   

AFA Action is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to advancing biblical, family values in society and government by educating and influencing public policy. AFA Action is also the Governmental Affairs Affiliate of American Family Association.