American Family Association Action (AFA Action), is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to advancing biblical, family values in society and government by educating and influencing public policy. AFA Action is also the Governmental Affairs Affiliate of American Family Association (AFA).

Urge your senators to pause Biden’s judicial nominations

Thursday, July 25, 2024 2:41 PM

There is great uncertainty surrounding the president’s current mental health and capacity to choose judicial nominees.

With President Joe Biden’s recent decision to withdraw from the 2024 presidential election, he is a lame duck president now. This means he will spend the next six months focusing on one of his top personal agendas, pushing the Senate to fill the federal bench with his liberal court nominees.


I can’t stress enough just how important it is for the Senate to set a freeze on the confirmation process. Why?

Simply because there is great uncertainty surrounding the president’s current mental health and capacity to choose judicial nominees. I don’t want to belittle or be disrespectful to President Biden, but the evidence from his recent actions (especially the debate with former President Donald Trump) clearly demonstrate that his decisions are not indicative of a clear-minded person. It’s certainly not in the best interest of our nation for him to make such far-reaching decisions.

Please take time to read this letter from my AFA Action colleague and Judicial Action Group President Phillip L. Jauregui to the Senate Majority and Minority leaders, along with Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durban and Senator Lindsey Graham.

In his well-thought-out letter, Phillip outlines why the Senate should freeze Biden’s judicial nominations based on the president’s recent mental and physical health struggles. He summarizes by saying, “The process for near lifetime appointment of federal judges is composed of two steps: (1) nomination by the President, and (2) confirmation by the Senate. The first step of that process is in constitutional jeopardy because evidence suggests the President lacks the mental capacity to exercise the powers of the Presidency. Therefore, we respectfully request that the United States Senate immediately freeze all Senate and Committee action on judicial nominations consistent with the Senate’s role in providing “advice and consent.” U.S. Const. Art. II § 2, cl. 2.”

I agree and think you do too.


Send this email to your two senators, asking them to pause any action regarding confirmation votes on President Biden’s judicial nominations.

The ramifications of not doing so could have a negative impact on the entire judicial system for decades to come, impacting our children and our grandchildren.

AFA Action is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to advancing biblical, family values in society and government by educating and influencing public policy. AFA Action is also the Governmental Affairs Affiliate of American Family Association.