American Family Association Action (AFA Action), is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to advancing biblical, family values in society and government by educating and influencing public policy. AFA Action is also the Governmental Affairs Affiliate of American Family Association (AFA).

Ohio, You Must Vote 'No' on Issue 1 on November 7

Tuesday, October 31, 2023 1:43 PM

You Must Vote 'No' on Issue 1 on November 7

It is rare that voters are presented with such a stark choice as Ohio voters are facing on election day, November 7. Issue 1 is a proposed constitutional amendment that will determine the future of Ohio for generations to come. 

The Issue 1 “Abortion Amendment” will not only legalize abortion, it will embed the right to abortion in the Ohio state constitution. This constitutional right will be used to override commonsense safeguards –– like informed consent, waiting periods, and the prohibition of dangerous, late-term abortions –– that might limit access to abortion. Under Issue 1, a woman will be granted the absolute right to have an abortion –– including during the last three months of pregnancy, if a doctor thinks the abortion is advisable. 

A NO vote on Issue 1 is about upholding the dignity of human life against a demonic push to legalize abortion up to the moment of birth. As Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has written, we are seeing a return of the old pagan gods –– literal demons. In the Old Testament, the demon Molech was the pagan god who demanded child sacrifice from the Canaanites. 

We must not allow what is essentially child sacrifice to become constitutionally protected in Ohio. This is beyond bad policy. This is pure evil. 

Please vote no on Issue 1 on November 7! 

To understand what Issue 1 will do in Ohio if passed, look at what’s happening in Michigan, which passed a similar constitutional amendment last year. The pro-abortion radicals are already trying to pass a “Reproductive Health Act” that would eliminate informed consent, eliminate the state’s mandatory 24-hour waiting period, and expand taxpayer-funded abortion via Medicaid. 

If passed, the Ohio “Abortion Amendment” could very likely be used to waive parental consent when a minor seeks an abortion. It could also plausibly be used by an activist court to grant children the right to sex-change procedures –– again, without parental consent. 

According to legal analysis provided by Ohio’s Attorney General: “The [Issue 1] Amendment would not return things to how they were before Dobbs overruled Roe, and is not just “restoring Roe.” It goes further: It means that many Ohio laws would probably be invalidated — even those that were allowed under Roe and/or Casey.” 

If Issue 1 passes, it will literally change Ohio’s identity. In passing Issue 1, Ohio could become the abortion capital of the Midwest. In passing Issue 1, Ohio will be aligning its abortion policies with communist countries like China and North Korea –– not to mention Michigan. In passing Issue 1, Ohio will no longer be Ohio. 

Please vote No on Issue 1 on November 7.

AFA Action is a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to advancing biblical, family values in society and government by educating and influencing public policy. AFA Action is also the Governmental Affairs Affiliate of American Family Association.